Santiago Cardozo | Responsable del Proyecto
Santiago Cardozo received his BA in Sociology and is Master candidate in Sociology and Development in Universidad de la Republica (Uruguay). Since 1998 he has conducted and collaborated in several research projects mainly on education, labor market recent transformations and residential segregation dynamics. For the last two years he has been researcher in Poverty and Social Exclusion Program (IPES) at the Universidad Catolica del Uruguay. He is currently leading the Montevideo team for the Housing Net project. Email: cardozo.santiago@gmail.com

Alicia de León | Asistentes de investigacion
Alicia De León is studying a BA in Sociology in Universidad Catolica del Uruguay. She Works as a research assistant in IPES since 2006 for studies on social policies, education, poverty and social exclusion.

Magdalena Marsiglia| Asistentes de investigacion
Magdalena Marsiglia has a BA in Social Work (2008) and is finishing her BA in Sociology in Universidad Catolica del Uruguay. She has been working as a research assistant in IPES since 2006 and is currently working in studies regarding gender, family, poverty and land squatting dynamics in Montevideo.